Wednesday, May 23, 2007

1&1 sucks!!!!!

Believe me, in the modern, time-pressed world it takes a lot to motivate someone whose business is writing to get involved in the writing well-documented, logical, diatribes against a hosting provider. Usually it is enough to get to a forum and input 1 & 1 sucks!! And vent off steam that way.

But I have really had it with a company that has become so disorganised, intransigent and "our way or the highway" minded. This is the 21st century. Management-centric companies which fail to listen to their customers should not be in business and 1 & 1 most definitely shouldn't.

This is going to be a long blog. As a longtime customer I used to be really pleased with their service, the robustness of their servers and the response of telephone queries. That was back in the late 20th.

Obviously a brand new century is offering them with the opportunity to revert to the robber-baron mentality. The view that just because they are big and they have some very fine print they have a right to dictate terms willy-nilly is about as outmoded as the bow and arrow as a means of warfare.

If you are reading this, leave your comments. 1&1 - begin to take notice. Customers will NOT accept bad service and dictated terms simply because you think that in an unregulated industry you can really get away with it. If we all vote with our feet you will have nothing left. And deservedly so.

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